Enterprise Software Analytical Product Redesign

This case study is written without the inclusion of any confidential or proprietary information.


Roles - Lead UX and UI Designer



As my first lead designer role at Fannie Mae, I was asked to assist in the redesign for an internal-facing analytical product used for research. I worked together with a product team adhering to agile methodologies to accomplish this redesign over the course of a few production releases.

For legal reasons, I must block out information regarding the content of the tool, but upon request, can speak more to the product.



Users of the product expressed frustration with the process of performing searches for information in the product as well as locating information produced by the searches.

“The only option is [the] ‘Reset’ [button] and retyping all of the information. [It’s a] frustrating process.” - Financial Analyst



Design Process.png


Wireframe versions.png


When interviewing stakeholders about this product, and many of the other internal analytical products I had the opportunity to partner with while at Fannie Mae, a common theme emerged - a desire for better design and better experiences for our internal products. The product owner of this product defined success as, “[An] easier experience…a production environment [that] is clean and simple.”

We should be paying as much attention to the experiences of internal products as well as external - our employees and colleagues deserve it!